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Summary |
• Expert for R&D project evaluation UE (Security research , Cybersecurity), EUROSTAR, and France
2008-now: Cybersecurity, cyberdefense, neuroscience, scientific philosophy (model, ontologies).
2007-now: Security and defense, complex systems, Information technologies, SOA, ESB, WEB 2.0, ontologies, Society and security, Business intelligence, global security, support for start-ups.
• Consultant with Thomas Direct ltd London
2007-2010: setup and development of advanced financial services (Switzerland), management of development projects in emerging countries, assistance of governments, at ministry level, for better governance and fight against corruption (Africa); assistance of governments for Internet security.
2004-2010: Setup and Development of international projects in the field of Security and Defense (see support letter of head of research ministry of China), advanced software services for Health information systems (Partnership with HP innovation center and CNIT Italy, see support letter of head of Health Ministry in Romania) -
Owner of international SME
• Owner of Securnet (commercial, sold in 2005, but kept ownership of secur.com and secur.net domain names)
• Owner of Organisation de Service en Informations - openOSI (non profit Research)
2001-2003: Setup of international network linking emergency services in several countries. (Telemedicine unit). Assistance of an African government for an emergency health plan
1998-2003: Security services and business intelligence for investigation companies. Support of large banks against fraud and money laundry. Development of a secure IP/PBX for secure investigations using stealth phone calls. IP/PBX networking and protection against bugging devices and interception. Collaboration with a large industrial company for the hardware and basic signaling software (production discontinued because 9/11, Iraq crisis, development of terrorism and corporate risk assessment ...).
1993-1997: Setup of international research projects in the field of telemedicine for French (CNES - MEDES) and german (DLR) space agencies. Agreed reseller of Air France airlines international data network (exclusive rights for medical assistance).
Employee of large corporations
• CEO of OSII a spin-off company of France Telecom and of Commissariat à l'énergie atomique
Police station control center (security of postal bank)
Railways control center (SNCF) with Apple monitors (Rasterops 20"). SNCF digital network
1988-1993: Development of the first worldwide digital telesurveillance network supporting video with remote control and alarms. One of the 4 national projects awarded by France Telecom in 1990. First installation at a police station in Paris en 1989 - France
(picture from left to right:: Paul Quilès,
Minister of telecommunications, Jose Remy, Jerome
Cle, Pierre Joxe,
Minister of home affairs); both ministers will hold minister of defense.
First large installation of digital videosurveillance Installation à la SCNF (Paris west suburb and Saint Lazare station).
Partnership with
Apple computer inc (Apple
magazine in french);
appletalk protocol (signaling and control); IP protocol (images).
Interface with object language (hypercard technology) Industrial Macintosh
computers integrated by "Green computers - California - US)".
digital telecom SCII boards (Paris).
Public sector - Public service contractor
• Head office - deputy officer at Groupe Maison Familiale
•Deputy officer for Organization and
Information systems for prisons at French Department of Justice
- Minister's office collaborator- Department of justice.
Panopticon by Jeremy Bentham, 1791 (Prison of Stateville - US)
Program of private prisons construction and management, American partnership:
with US lawyers (New-York), private management companies (Alabama) and architects (Chicago)
French partnership (GTM, Groupe Mulliez...)
1980-1986: Organization and Information systems developments for French Department of Justice - Minister's office Minister of Justice (Albin Chalandon).